Practical, easy to follow home fitness and exercise

Mix the concreteMake Your Own Squat Rack
Step 2 - Mix the concrete and level the 4x4's

Once both holes are dug to 18 inches deep, and you've checked that the 4x4's will fit, it is time to mix the ceoncrete. Then have one person hold the 4x4 level (using a level or plumb line) while you pour the concrete around the posts.

squat rack posts


  1. Dig the post holes
  2. Mix the concrete and level the 4x4's
  3. Bend the brackets
  4. Attach the first bracket
  5. Determine level and attach the second bracket
  6. Cut grooves / channel for chin-up bar on top of each 4x4.
  7. Bolt down chin-up bar
  8. Support braces and weight holders (optional)


Materials and Equipment