Practical, easy to follow home fitness and exercise


I'm always interested in your comments, suggestions, feedback about a farm, and ways to improve the web site! 

 Feel free to ask me any questions! If I can help, I will! Note: If you use a "allowed-sender request" spam control service I cannot reply to you.  They always perceive responses as spam and will not allow my email through to you; plus there just isn't time, with the volume of emails I answer. If you want a response, please use an email account that does not require me to fill out a form to be approved. NOTE about ads: If you see any offensive political ads; email me the url on them so I can block them.  See this note about adsNo spam - we do not give away your email address!

Your Name:      Your Country:
  & State..: 
Your Email address:


Note: I cannot reply to addresses that require a request form for pre-approval. 

Enter it again to confirm:

Your County (not "country") or province: 
         (enter NA if not applicable)
Program or gym's name:
(if this is in reference to a specific Gym or program)
Type any number in this next box (this is necessary to stop spam programs):
(Note: if you do not type in a number, or type anything else in this box, your email will NOT be delivered). Spam programs cannot follow these instructions, only humans can.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  1. Q. You have ads for [fill in the name the company, product, service or group]. They are evil and are destroying America!  Why do you let them advertise on your website???
    A. I don't. Or to put it another way, I have no way of knowing who will be advertising until the ads actually appear. With very few exceptions, the banner ads are supplied by an outside company (their name appears in the banner "Ads by ...")  I have NO advance control over what appears in these ads.  It is completely controlled by the outside company.  If you see an inappropriate or offensive ad - don't get mad at me; just email me  and be sure to give me the name of the advertiser in the ad and their url.  Then I can go back to the outside ad company and have the advertiser banned! For more information see:  and
  2. Q. I wrote to you, but never heard back.  Do you answer your email?
    I reply to every single email I receive.  Unfortunately, about 10% of the people who write to me either don't know their own email address or type it incorrectly.  About one in 1 in 10 are returned to me "no such address or account". Some have spam blocker services that block any response I send.  Others have spam controls that require the sender to fill out a form, just to reply.
  3. Q. Sometimes when I print a page, the words are cut off on the right side.  How can I print it so it all comes out correctly?
    A. After you click File-Print or Ctrl-P, but before you hit the "print" button, click on "properties" and change the orientation to "Landscape".
    Wherever a page has a "PDF print version", click that link for a better quality print!
    I've been converting all of the pages to a newer technology (CSS / stylesheets) that will fix that and remove unnecessary things like ads, so most pages should print well now.

Keep the suggestions coming!  If people want it, I'll do it!

Updates for October 2024